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Home » Top 10 Things Women Love Most About A Man’s Looks

Top 10 Things Women Love Most About A Man’s Looks

You may be wondering what women love most about man’s looks. How to get their attention? Women do notice and appreciate their partner’s physique quite a bit! what do women love most about man’s looks? here is the list

  1. Grow a Little Beard
  2. Fore Arms.
  3. Perfect Jawline
  4. The Upper Back
  5. Broad Shoulders
  6. Tattoos
  7. Abs
  8. Slim Waist
  9. Good Hands
  10. Quads

1, Grow a Little beard

Beard : what women love most about mans looks

Beards are manly. Beards are sexy. Beards are a sign of maturity, confidence, and masculinity—and women love them for all those reasons! If you have a beard that’s just the right length and texture to make your face look more masculine without looking too old or scraggly (which is hard to do), it can be an extra turn-on for your lady friends.

2, Forearms

Forearms : what women love most about mans looks

Forearms are important. They show how strong a man is, and they’re often covered by short sleeves (which is why many women love running their hands over their forearms). Forearm strength and power are hot, which means that women love to run their hands over them.

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Women also notice another thing about men’s forearms: they can tell if a guy has been lifting weights. If you’re working out regularly and your arms are looking big, then there’s no doubt in my mind that you’d be able to lift more than me! Indeed it’s a turn-on for them.

3, Perfect Jawline

Jawline : what women love most about mans looks

A good jawline is a sign of masculinity, health, and virility. A man with a strong jawline can get women to fall in love with him instantly. This is because the facial structure has been linked to testosterone levels and provides you with an edge when it comes to attracting women. Good health means that your body will be able to produce natural amounts of testosterone which will help you build muscle mass as well as improve your confidence levels.

In addition to being attractive, having a well-defined jawline gives you an advantage when it comes time for job interviews because employers tend not only to look at, how much money someone makes. but also how good-looking he/she looks during the interview process (and yes this includes photos!).

4, The Upper Back

what women love most about mans looks? The upper Back

The upper back is one of the most important parts of a man’s body. It’s responsible for carrying out all physical movements, and it also helps to keep things in place when you are standing up or sitting down. If you have good upper back muscles, then you will feel more comfortable around women because they will be able to see that you have strong shoulders and arms that can support them when they get tired from walking around all day long!

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If you do not have good upper back muscles yet, many exercises can help improve this area so that it becomes stronger over time (such as push-ups). 

5, Broad Shoulders

 Broad Shoulders

Broad shoulders are a sign of strength and masculinity, so it’s no surprise that women love them. Women like men who are physically strong because they can handle themselves in any situation. They also like to be around men who take care of themselves and look after their health—and broad shoulders are one way to show how diligent you are about that!

6, Tattoos

what women love most about mans looks? Tattoos

Tattoos are a sign of personality, self-expression, and rebellion. They’re also a sign of independence: you don’t need anyone’s permission to get one, so why not? Tattooed men will always make you feel beautiful in your skin.

7, Abs

what women love most about mans looks? Abs

Abs are the most important part of a man’s body to women. Women love abs because they make men look strong, which is an attractive quality in a partner. Women also love abs because they show that the man has discipline, which helps him keep up with his diet and workout regimen. This is definitely one of the top things women love most about man’s looks.

8, A Slim Waist

Slim Waist

A slim waist is a sign of good health, so if you want to impress women, try to maintain it. Women like men who are in shape and fit. They also love it when their man has a flat stomach!

9, Good Hands

Good Hands

Your hands are an important part of your body and they’re the first thing people notice. They’re also a sign of overall health; if you have good-looking hands, it means that you take care of yourself and look after your body. Your hands are also an indicator of grooming: if someone has nice nails or cuticles, this can be a sign that they’re well groomed in general—and not just from washing their face every day!

10, Quads


Quads are the muscles on your front thighs. They can be called “the quads” or “the quadriceps”, depending on who you ask. This is definitely one of the top things women love most about man’s looks. If you have a nice pair of quads and want to show them off to a woman, here are some exercises that will help make it happen:

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  • Squats – Stand with feet shoulder-width apart; squat down until thighs are parallel with the floor (keep back straight) and return standing up slowly. Aim for 10 reps per leg every other day if possible; add weight as needed so that each set is challenging but not impossible.


if you’re feeling insecure about your physical appearance, remember this list! And if any of these qualities are missing from you, then consider working on them yourself so that we can all have the perfect love lives possible for our gender. 

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